11 July 1770
James Cook's Journal: Daily Entries
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11 July 1770
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11 July 1770
Wednesday 11
Gentle land and sea breezes, Employ'd airing the bread stowing away water stores &C
In the night M
Gore and the Master returnd with the long-boat and brought with them one turtle and a few shell fish the Yawl M
Gore left upon the shoal with Six men to endeavour to Strike more turtle. In the morning four of the natives made us a nother
visit 3 of them had been with us the preceeding day and the other was a stranger - one of these men had a hole through the Bridge of his nose in which he stuck a peice of bone as thick as my finger, seeing this we examined all their noses and found that they had all holes for the same purpose, they had likewise holes in their ears but no ornaments hanging to them, they had bracelets upon their arms made of hair and like hoops of small cord; they some times must wear a kind of fillet about their heads for one of them had applied some part of an Old shirt which I had given them to this use
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 265, 2004
Published by
kind permission of the Library
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