23 July 1770
James Cook's Journal: Daily Entries
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23 July 1770
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23 July 1770
Monday 2
Fresh breezes in the
quarter which so long as it continues will confine us in port - Yesterday in the
I sent some people into the Country to gather greens on[e] of which Straggle'd from the rest and met with four of the natives by a fire on which they were broiling a fowl and the hind leg of one of the animals before spoke of, he had the prescience of mind not to run from them / being unarm'd / least they should pursue him, but went and sit down by them and after he had sit a little while and they had felt his hands and other parts of his body they suffer'd him to go away without offering the least insult and perceiving that he did not
right for the ship they directed him which way to go
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 269, 2004
Published by
kind permission of the Library
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