The Passage or Channell we now came out by lies in the Latitude of 14°..32', it may always be found and known by the three high Islands within it which I have called the Islands of direction because by them a safe passage may be found, even by Strangers, in within the reef and quite up ^in to the Main; the Channell lies from Lizard Island NE1/2N distant 3 Leagues and is about one third of a Mile broad and not more in length. Lizard Island which is the northermost and largest of the three affords snug Anchorage under the NW side, fresh water and wood for fuel and the low Islands and Shoals which lay between it and the Main abound I am well-assured, with Turtle and other fish which may be caught at all seasons of the year except in such blusterous weather as we have lately had; these things considered, there is not perhaps a better place on this whole coast for a Ship to refresh at than this Island. I had forgot to mention in its proper place that not only of these Islands but in severl places on the Sea beach in and about Endeavour River we found Bamboos, Cocoa-nutts, the Seeds of Plants, and Pummick Stones which were not the produce of this Country from all the discoveries we have been able to make oin it. it is reasonable to suppose that they are the produce of some Country lying to the Eastward and brought here by the Easterly Trade winds. The Islands discover'd by Quiros ^call'd by Astralia del Espiritu Santo lays in this parrallel but how far to the East is hard to say, most charts place them as far to the west as this Country, but we are morally certain that he never was upon any part of this coast. The published account of the Voyage, which we must depend upon untill we have better authority, places his discoveries about 22° to the East of the Coast of New Holland
As soon as we were without the reef we brought too and hoisted in the boats, than stood off an upon a wind all night ^as I did not care to run to leeward untill we had a whole day before us. We now began to find that the Ship had received more damage than we immagined and soon felt the effect the high rowling sea had upon her by increasing her leaks consideably so that it was as much as one Pump could keep her f^ree kept continualy at work; however this was looked upon as trifleing to the danger we had lately made our escape from
At Day light in the Morning Lizard Island bore S. 15° Et Distant 10 Leagues, we now made sail and stood away NNW1/2W and at 9 oClock NW1/2N, having the advantage of a fresh gale at SE. At Noon we were by observation in the Latitude of 13°..46' St having at this time no land in sight