19 August 1770
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On this day ...
19 August 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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19 August 1770

Sunday 19th Gentle breezes at SEBE and clear weather   At 2 oClock in the PM ^as we were steering NWBN saw a large shoal right ahead extending 3 or 4 Points on each bow upon which we hauld up NNE and NEBN in order to get round the North Point of it which we reached by 4 oClock and than edged away to the westward and run between the north end of this shoals and a nother which lays 2 miles to the northward of it having a boat all the time ahead of the Ship sound.g our depth of water was very erregular from 22 to 8 fathoms  At 1/2 past 6 oClock we Anchor'd in 13 fathom, the northermost of the small Islands mentioned at Noon bore W1/2S distant 3 Miles, these Islands, which are known in the Chart by the name of Forbes's Isles, lay about 5 Leagues from the Main which here forms a moderatly high Point ^which we call'd Bolt head from which the land trends more westerly and is all low lSandy land but to the southward it is high and hilly even near the Sea. At 6 oClock in the AM we got again under sail and directed our Course for an Island which lay but a little way from the Main and bore from us at this time N.40° Wt distant 5 Leagues, but we were soon interrupted in our course by meeting with Shoals, but by the help of two Boats ahead and a good lookout at the Mast head we got at last into a fair Channel which lead us down to the Island having a very large shoal on our starboard side and several smaller ones betwixt us and the Main land, in this Channell we had from 20 to 30 fathom water - Between a 11 and 12 oClock we hauld round the NE side of the Island leaving it between us and the Main from which it is distant 7 or 8 Miles, this Island is about a League in circuit and of a Moderate height and is Inhabited; to the NW of it are several small low Islands and Keys which lay not far from the Main and to the northward and Eastward lay several other Islands and shoals so that we were now incompass'd on every side by one or the other, ^but so much does great danger Swallow up lesser ones that these once so much dreaded Shoals were now looke'd upon at with less concearn   The Boats being out of their stations we brought too to wait for them. At Noon our Latitude by observation was 12°.0' St Longitude in 217°..25 West depth of Water 14 fathom Course and distant saild reduce'd to a strait line sence yesterday Noon is N 29° West 32 Miles. †

The Main land within the above Islands forms a point which I call Cape Grenville / Latde 11°..58', Longde 217°.38' / between this Cape and the Bolt head is a Bay which I named Temple Bay. E1/2N 9 Leagues from Cape Granvill lay some tolerable high Islands which I call'd Sr Charles Hardys Isles, those which lay off the Cape I named Cockburns Isles

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 283, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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