19 September 1770
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On this day ...
19 September 1770

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19 September 1770

Wednesday 19th At 2 oClock in the PM the Dutch Governor and King or Raja of this part of the Island came an with his attendance came on board with Mr Gore / he having left two gentlemen a shore as hostages /, we entertaind them at dinner in the best Manner we could, gave them plenty of good Liquor, made them some considerable presents and at their going away saluted them with 9 Guns. In return for these favour[s] they made many fair promises that we should be immideatly furnished with every thing we wanted at the same price the Dutch East India had it Company had it, and that in the Morning Buffaloes, Hogs Sheep &Ca should be down on the beach for us to look at and agree upon a price. I was not attall at a loss for Interpreters for both Dr Solander and Mr Sporing understood Dutch enough to keep up a conversation with the Dutchman and several of the Natives could speak Portuguese which Language two or 3 of my people understood. In the Morning I went aShore ^accompined by Mr Banks & sever[al] of the Officers and Gentlemen to return the Kings Viset, but my chief business was to see how well they would perform their promises in regard to the things I wanted. We had not been long a shore before we found that they had promised more than they ever intended to perform, for instead of finding Buffaloes down upon the beach we did not so much as see one or the least preparations makeing for bringing any down by either the Dutch Factor or ^the King, the former pretended he had been very ill all night and told us that he had had a letter from the Governor of Concordia in Timor acquainting him that a ship / meaning us / had ^lat[e]ly pas'd that Island and that if she should touch at this and be in want of any thing he was to supply her, but he was not to suffer her to make any stay nor to distribute or leave behind her to be distributed any Valliable presents to the Inferior Natives, this we look'd upon to be a fiction that hardly Answerd any purpose unless it was leting us see how the Dutch had insinuated themselves into favour with these people which never could be his intention. However both he and the King ^still promised ^we should have what we wanted, but pretended that the Buffaloes were far in the Country and could not be brought down before night, with these excuse's we were oblige'd to be satisfied. The King gave us a dinner of boild Pork and Rice, served up in baskets after their Manner and Palm wine to drink  with this and ^some of our own Liquor we fair'd tolerable well    after we had dined our servants we ^were call'd in to pertake of what remaind which was more than they could eat —

Thursday 20th We stay'd at the Kings Pallace all the After noon, and at last were obliged to return on board without doing any thing, any farther than a promise of having some Buffaloes in the Morning, which we now had no great re^ason to rely on —

In the Morning I went a shore again and was shew'd one ^small Buffaloe which they ask'd five Guines for,   I offer'd three which the Man told me he would glad^ly take and sent a message to the King to let him know what I had offerd    the mesenger soon return'd and let me know that I could not have it under five guines and this I refuse'd to give knowing that it was not worth one fifth part of the mony, but this my refusal had like to have over set all we had before done for soon after about a 100 Men, some arm'd with Musquets other with Lances came down to the Landing place; besides the officer that commanded this party there came along with them an Man who spoke Portuguese and was I beleive born of Portugue Parents, this man is here / as we afterwards understood / as an Assistant to the Dutch factor, he deliver'd to me the Kings order, or rather those of the Dutch Factor, the purport of which was that we were to stay no longer than this day, pretending that the people would not trade with us, because we wanted their provisions for nothing &Ca whereas the Natives shewed the greatest inclination imaginable to supply us with what ever they had and were far more desirous of goods than Mony and were before this man came selling us Fowls and Syrrup as fast as they could bring these things down. from this and other circumstances we were well assure'd that this was all the Dutchmans doing in order to extort from us a sum of Mony to put into his own pockets. There happen'd to be an old Raja at this time upon the beach whose In trest I had secure'd in the Morning by presenting him with a Spy glass, this man I ^now took by the hand and presented him with an old broad sword, this effectually secure'd him in our Intrest for the Moment he got it he began to flourish it over the old Portuguese and made him ^and the officer that commanded the party to set down at his backside. Emmidiatly after this trade was restored again for fowls &Ca with more spirit than ever, but before I could begin a Trade for Buffaloes which was what we most wanted, I was obliged to give 10 guines for two one of which weigh'd only 160 pounds - After this I bought 7 More at a More reasonable price one of which we lost after he was paid for. I might now have purchas'd as Many Buffaloes as I pleas'd for they now drove them down to the water side by Herds, but having now got as many as I well know'd what to do with, and likewise a number of Fowles and a Large quantity of Syrrup, I resolved to make no longer stay. accordingly in the Morn-g on Friday 21st

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 316, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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