2 October 1770
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On this day ...
2 October 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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2 October 1770

Tuesday 2nd Octr In the PM had the wind at SSE and SEBS and SSE with which we stood to the Eastward close upon awind. At 6 oClock the Hill on Princes Island bore SWBS and Cracatoa Island North 10 Miles    in this situation had 58 fathom water, standing still to the Eastward at 8 oClock had 52 fathom a Muddy bottom, at 10, 23 fm By 4 oClock in the Morning we fetched close in with the Java Shore in 15 fathom than steer'd along shore - At 5 oClock it fell Calm which continued with some Variable light airs untill Noon at which time Anger Point bore NE distant 1 League and Thwart the way Island North. In the Morning I sent a boat ashore to try to get some fruits for Tupia who is very ill, and likewise to get some grass &Ca for the Buffaloes we have still left.   the boat returnd with only 4 Cocoa-Nutts a small bunch of Plantains ^which they purchased of the Natives for a Shilling and a few Shrubs for the Cattle —

Wednesday 3rd Soon after 12 oClock it fell quite Calm which obliged us to anchor in 18 fm a muddy bottom, about 2 Miles from shore where we found a Strong Current seting to the SW

Not long before we anchord we saw a Dutch Ship laying off Anger Point, on board which I sent Mr Hicks to inquire after news,    Upon his return he inform'd me that there were Two Dutch Ships from Batavia the one bound to Ceylon and the other to the Coast of Mallabar, besides a small Fly Boat or Packet, which is stationed here to carry Packets, Letters &Ca from all Dutch Ships to Batavia; but it seems more Probable that she is stationed here to examine all Ships that pass and repass these Streights. We now first heard the Agreeable News of His Majestys Sloop the Swallow being at Batavia about two years ago. At 7 oClock a breeze sprung up at SSW, with which we weigh'd and stood to the NE between Thward the way Island and the Cap, Soundings from 18 to 26 fathom. We had but little wind all ^night and having a strong Current against us we got no farther by 8 oClock in the Morning than under Bantam Point, at this time the Wind came to NE and obliged us to Anchor in 22 fathom about 2 Miles from the Shore, the above Point bore NEBE distant 1 League - here we found a Strong Current seting to the NW —

In the Morning we saw the Dutch Packet Standing after us, but after the wind shifted to NE she bore away —

One of the Dutch Captains told Mr Hicks Yesterday that the Current sets Constantly to the SW ward and that it would continue to set so for a Mo[n]th or Six Weeks longer

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 323, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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