16 October 1770
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16 October 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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16 October 1770

Tuesday 16th Finding by a strict inquiry that there were no private person or persons in this place that could at this time advance me a sufficient sum of Mony to defray the Charge I might be at in repairing and refiting the Ship - At least if there were any they would be afraid to do it without leave from the Governor,   Wherefore I had nothing left but to apply to the Governor himself and accordingly drew up the following a request which I laid before the Governor and Counc[e]l this Morning in concequence of which the Shapbander had orders to supply me with what mony I wanted out of the Companys Treasure —

Lieutenant James Cook Commander of His Brittannick Majestys Bark the Endeavour begs leave to represent to His Excellency The Rigt Honble Petrus Albertus Van der Parra Governor General &Ca &Ca &Ca

That he will be in want of a Sum or Sums of Mony in order to defray the Charge he will be at in repairing and renting His Brittannick Majestys Ship at this place; which sum or Sums of Mony he is directed by his instructions and empower'd by his Commission to give Bills of Exchange on the respective offices which Superintend His Brittannick Majestys Navy-

The said Lieutt Jams Cook Requests of His Excellency

That he will be pleased to order him to be supply'd with such Sum or Sums of Money as he may want for the Use above mention'd either out of the Companys Treasure, or permit such private persons to do it as may be willing to advance Mony for Bills of Exchange on The Honble the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Brittannick Majestys Navy, The Comissionrs for Victualing His Majestys Navy and the Commissioners for taking Care of the Sick and Hurt

Dated on Board His Brittannick Majestys Bark the Endeavour in Batavia Road the 16th Octr 1770. James Cook —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 329, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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