24 October 1770
James Cook's Journal: Daily Entries
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24 October 1770
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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia
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24 October 1770
Wednesday 24
clearing the Ship having a store House to put our stores &C
in In the
I went up to Town in order to put on board the first Dutch Ship that Sails a Packet for the Admiralty containing a Copy of my Journal, a Chart of the South Sea, a nother of New, Zeland and one of the East Coast of New Holland - In the Morning the General accompanied by the Water Fiscall, some of the Councel and the Commodore each in their Respective boats went out into the Road on board the Oldest Captain in order to appoint him Commodore of the Fleet ready to Sail for Holland - The Ships were drawn up in two lines between which the General past to the New Commodores Ship which lay the farthest out - Each Ship as he past and repast gave him 3 Cheers and as soon as he was on board and the Dutch flag hoisted at the Main Topmast head, the other Commodore Saluted him with 21 Guns and emmidiatly after struck his Broad Pendant which was again hoisted as soon as the General left the other Ship, he was then saluted
with 17 Guns by the new made Commodore who now hoisted a Common pendant - this Ceremony
of apointing a Commodore over the Grand fleet, as they call it,
we were told is Yearly perform'd I went out in my Boat on purpose to see it
accompaned by M
Banks and D
because we were told that it was one of the grandest sights Batavia afforded, that may be too and yet it did not recompence us for our trouble - I thought the whole was but ill conducted and the fleet
appear'd to be very
badly man'd This Fleet consists of 10 or 12 Sail of Stout Ships not only these but all or most of their other Ships are perced for 50 Guns, but have only their upper tier Mounted and these are more by half than they have men to fight
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 331, 2004
Published by
kind permission of the Library
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