6 January 1771
James Cook's Journal: Daily Entries
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6 January 1771
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6 January 1771
Sunday 6
At 3 oClock in the
Anchor'd under the
side of Princes Island in 18 fathom water, in order to recrute our wood and water and to procure refreshments for the People which are now in a much worse state of hilth then when we left Batavia. After the Ship coming to an Anch
I went a shore to look at the watering place and to speak with the Natives, some of whome were upon the beach, I found the watering place convenient and the water to all appearence good provide[d] proper care was taken in the filling of it; The Natives seem'd inclined to supply us with Turtle Fowles &C
Articles that I intended laying in as great a stock as possible for the benefit of the sick and to suffer every one to purchas what they pleased for themsilves as I found these people as easy to Traffic with as Europeans In the Morning sent the Gunner ashore with some hand[s] to fell water, while others were employ'd puting the hold to rights Sending on shore empty casks &C
Served Turtle to the Ships company, Yesterday was the only salt Meat Day they have had sence our arrival at Savu which is now near 4 Months
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 341, 2004
Published by
kind permission of the Library
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