In the PM Stood to the westward with the Wind at SBW untill 4 oClock than again to the Eastward having the land in sight extending from NNE to WBN distant 8 Leagues - At 12 the wind ver'd to the Eastward and before noon blowd a fresh breeze with which we steerd SW- At 7 the land extending from NNW to ENE distant 10 or 12 Ls. Found the Variation by the Ampd to be 28°.30' West and by an Azth 28°..8' West At Noon Lat. Observed 34°..18' which is 93 Miles to the Southward of that given by the Log. or dead reckoning sence the last Observation and by an ob. of ye & made this morning found the ship had got 7°..4' ^Wt of ye log since my last observations