At 3 Wieghd with a light breeze at SE and put to Sea - At 4 Departed this Life Mr Robt Molineux Master, a young man of good parts but had unfortunately given himself up to extravecancy and intemperance which brought on disorders that put a pirod to his life - At 6 we had the Table mountain and the Penguin Island in one bearing SSE, distant from the latter about 4 or 5 miles Had it calm most part of the night, in the morning a light breeze sprung up at Southerly with which we steer'd NW - At Noon we were by observation in Lat. 33°..30' South The Table mountain bore So 54° Et distant 14 Leagues.- N.B. The Table Mountain lies dire[c]tly over the Cape Town from which last I take my departure it lies in the Latitude of 33°..56' South and Longitude 341°..37' West from Greenwich