There are some very fine men upon this Island whose skins were milder whiter than any Europeans, but of a dead colour like that of the nose of [a] white horse. their Eyes, eyebrows, hair and beards are also white. their bodies were cover'd more or less with a kind of white down, their skins are spotted some parts being much whiter than others, they are short sighted ^ with their eyes often full of rheum and always look'd unwholesome and have neither the spirit or the activity of the other natives, I did not see above three or four upon the whole Island and these were old men so that I concluded that this difference of Colour &Ca was accidental and did not run in families for if it did they must have been more numerous The inhabitants of this Island are troubled with a sort of Leprosie or scab all over their bodies I have seen men women and children, but not many, who have had this distemper to that degree as not to be able to be able to walk this distemper I believe runs in familys because I have seen both mother and child have it
Both sexes paint their bodys Tattow as it is called in their language this is done by inlaying the Colour of black under their skins in such a manner as to be indelible; some have ill design'd figures