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King Georges Island


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King Georges Island (continued)

by the length of the passage —

Altho this Island lies within the Tropick of Capricorn yet the heat is not troublesome nor do the winds blow constantly from the east but are subject to variations frequently blowing a fresh gale from the SW quarter for two or three days together, but very seldome from the NW. When ever these variable winds happen they have are always accompaned with a swell from the SW or WSW and the same thing happens when ever it is calm and the Atmosphere at the same time loaded with clowds: sure indications that the winds are variable or westerly out at sea for clear weather generaly attend[s] the sittle trade —

The meeting with Westerly winds within the general limets of the easterly trade is a little extraordinary and has induced former navigators when they met with them to think that they were caused by the nearness of some large track of land but I rather think that they are owing to a nother cause; it hath been found both by the dolphin and us that the trade wind in those parts of this sea doth not extend farther to the South than 20° and without which we generaly find met with a wind from the westward; now is it not reasonable to suppose that when these winds blow strong they must incroach upon and drive back the easterly winds as so cause the variable winds and S.W.terly Swell I have been speaking of: it is well known that the westerly trade winds blow but faintly for some distance within their limets and are therefore easily stop'd by a wind from the contrary direction. it is likewise known that these limets are subject to vary several degrees not only at different seasons of the year but at one and the same season: a nother reason

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 90, 2004
Published by South Seas
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