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Queen Charlottes Sound


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Queen Charlottes Sound (continued)

o dispose of,   they seem'd to have some knowlidge of Iron for they very readily took Nails in exchange for fish and some times prefer'd them to any thing else which was more than the people of any other place would do, they were at first fond of paper but when they found it spoild by being wet they would not take it, nor did they set much Value upon the cloth we got at Georges Island, but shew'd an extraordinary fondness for English broad Cloth and Red Kersey, which shew'd them to be a more sensible people than Ma[n]y of their Neighbours —

Besides the common dress some of these people wore on their heads ^round Caps made of birds feathers which were far from being unbecoming —

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 185, 2004
Published by South Seas
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