The country is certainly destitute of all sorts of beasts either wild or tame except Dogs and Ratts, the former are tame and kept for no other purpose and live with the people who breed and bring them up for no other purpose than to eat and ratts are so scarce that not only I but many others in the ship never so [saw] one. Altho we have seen some few Seals and once a Sea Lyon upon this coast yet I beleive that they are not only very scarce but seldom or ever go come a shore for if they did the natives would certainly find out some method of Killing them the Skins of which they do no doubt would preserve for Clothing as well as the skins of Dogs and birds the only skins we ever saw among them. but they must sometimes get whales because many of their Patoo patoos are made of the bones of some such like fish and an orament they wear at their breasts / on which they set great Value / ^which we suppose'd to be made of the tooth of a whale and yet we know of no method or instrument they have to kill these animals.
In the woods are plenty of excellent timber fit for all purposes excepting Ships Mast and perhaps upon a close examination some might be found not improper for that purpose. there grows spontaneously every where a kind of very broad pladed grass like flags of the nature of hemp6 of which might be made the very best of Cordage Canvas &Ca There are of two sorts the one finer than the other of these the natives make cloth; rope, lines, netts &Ca Iron ore is undoubtedly to be found here particularly about Mercury bay where we saw found great quantities of Iron sand, however we met with no ore of any sort neither did we ever see any sort of Metal with the natives. We met with some s^tones in