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New Zealand (continued)

before he sets out upon the discovery of the Islands. But, should it be thought proper to send a ship out upon this service some while Tupia lieves and he to come out in her, in that case she would have a prodigious advantage over every ship that have been upon disc discoveries in those seas before; for my [by] means of Tupia, supposeing he did not accompany you himself, you would always get people to direct you from Island to Island and would be sure of meeting with a friendly reseption and refreshments at every Island ^you came to; this would inable the Navigator to make his discoveries the more perfect and compleat, at least it would give him time so to do for he would not be obliged to hurry through those seas thro' ^from an apre- apprehinsion of wanting provisions —

I shall now add a list of those Islands which Tupia and several others have given us an account of and endeavour to point out the respective situations from Otaheite or Georges Island, but this with respect to many of them cannot be depended upon. Those mark'd this (‡) Tupia himself has been at as he tells us and we have no reason to doubt his veracity in this, by which it will appear that

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 219, 2004
Published by South Seas
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