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New Holland


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New Holland (continued)

above 2 people, in general there is never more than one in them, ^but bad as they are they do very well for the purpose they apply them to, better then if they were larger, for as they draw but little water they go in them upon the Mud banks and pick up shell fish &Ca without going out of the Canoe. The few Canoes we saw to the northward were made of a Log of wood hollow'd out, about 14 feet long and very narrow with out--riggers, these will carry 4 people. During our whole stay in Endevour River we saw but one Canoe and had great reason to think that the few people that resided about this place had no more; this one served them to cross the River and to go a fish-ing in &Ca. They Attend the Shoals and flatts one where or a nother every Day at Low-water to gather Shell fish or what ever they can find to eat, and have each a little bag to put what they get in: this bag is made of net work. They have not the least knowlidge of Iron or any other Metal that we know of, their working tools ^must but be ^made of stone, bone and shells, those made of the former are very bad if I may judge from one of their Adzes I have seen —

Bad and mean as their Canoes are they at certain

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 297, 2004
Published by South Seas
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