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Cape of Good Hope


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Cape of Good Hope (continued)

of landing and Shipping off goods, to this warfe water is convey’d in pipes and by means of Cocks several boats may fill water at one and the same time; the company keep several large strong Boats or Hoys, to carry goods, Provisions, Water &Ca to and from Shipping as well strangers as their own. Fuel is one of the scarcest articles they have and is brought a long way out of the Country and consi[s]ts of Roots of Trees Shrubs &Ca: ^ except a few English Oaks which they have plantedIndeed this Country is wholy distitute of Wood, except at too great a distance to be brought to the Cape. In the Article of Timber Boa^rds &Ca they are chiefly supply[’d] from Batavia   Three of the Winter Months (viz) from the Middle of May to the Middle of August the Dutch obliged all their ships to godo not allow any of their Ships to lay in Table Bay, but oblige them to go into false Bay where there is a very safe harbour, and every other conveniency both for their own shipping and strangers and where every produce of the Country can be had as cheape as at the Cape Town. The Dutch I am told never diveate from this custom of sending their Ships to False Bay at this season of the Year, notwithstand[ing] there has not a gale of wind happen’d for many Years that would have put them in the least danger in Table Bay.

Table Bay is defended by a Square ^Fort situated on the East side of the Town close to the Sea beach

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 366, 2004
Published by South Seas
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