11 January 1769
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On this day ...
11 January 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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11 January 1769

Week Days Month Days Winds Courses Dist Sail'd in Mile Latd in South Longd in West from
Bearings At Noon
Wednesday 11 Westerly So 30° W 100 54°..20' 64°..35' pr Logg  

A Steady gentle breeze and clear weather — PM after standing 13 Leagues SSW Sounded and had 64 fathom, gravel and small Stones, standing SWBS a 11 Leagues farther had 46 fathom, the same sort of bottom — At 8 AM saw the land of Terra del Fuego extending from the West to the SEBS, distance off shore between 3 and 4 Leagues, sounded and had 35 fathom small soft slate stones, Variation 23°..30' Et

In rainging a long the shore ^to the SE at the distance of 2 or 3 Leagues had 27 and 26 fm a muddy bottom, saw some of the Natives who made a smook in several places, which must have been done as a signal to us as they did not continue it after we pass'd [1]     By our Longitude we ought not to have been so far to the westward as Staten Land as it is laid down in most the Charts, but it appear'd from Subsequent Observations that the Ship had got near ^a degree of Longitude to the westward ^of the Log which is 35 Miles in these Latitudes, probably this in part may be owing to a small current current seting to the West Ward occasioned by the Westerly current which comes round cape Horn and through Strait la Maire and the in draught of the Straits Magellan —

Parties: Selk'nam
Places: Cape Horn | Staten Island | Strait le Maire | Tierra del Fuego

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 26, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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