28 January 1769
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On this day ...
28 January 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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28 January 1769

Week Days Month Days Winds Courses Distce Saild in Miles Latd in South Longd in West of
Bearings At Noon
Saturday 28 NNW North West & WBN to NWBW So 39° W. 80 58°..4' 70°..1'  

Fresh gales the most part of this day, first and middle parts Clowdy. Latter Clear with a sharp cold air-   at 2PM saw the Land bearing North Distant about 8 Leagues, it made in 2 hum^mocks and appeared to be an Island, which I take to be the Isle of Diego Ramirez.   it lays in the Latitude of 56°..38' South and Longd 68°.47' West from Greenwich; found the Variation this Evening to be 22° East. AM had 3 sets of Observation of the Sun and Moon, which gave the Longitude 69°..7'..15" W. The Longd of the Ship at Noon by the Obsern is 69°..24' — 1° 48'   the Longd made from Cape Horn is = 67°..36'   the Longd of the Cape which is 52' less than the result of yesterdays observations. This difference may arise part[l]y from the observations and partly from the Ships Run; the Mean of the 2 gives 68° 2' + 68°..24', the Longitude of the Cape from the observations taken at Strait Le Maire = 136.26'

 x 2 = 68°..13' West from Greenwich, the Longd of Cape Horn, being deduced from no less than 24 observations, taken at no very great distance from the Cape and on both sides of it, and when the Sun was both to the East and West of the Moon, for in this case the errors ariseing from observation are most likely to correct one a nother —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 35, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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