Fresh breezes and fair weather. At 2 P.M. Saw land bearing SE which Tobia Tupia calls the Island of Ohetiroa: At 6 was within two or 3 Leagues of it, the extreams bearing from SBE to SE. Shortend sail and stood off and on all night At 6 AM made sail and stood in for the land and run to leeward of the Island keeping close in shore all the time - saw several of the Natives as we run a long shore but in no great numbers. At 9 hoisted out the Pinnace and sent Lieutt Gore Mr Banks and Tobiaupia to endeavour to land upon the Island, and to speake with the natives, and to try if they could learn from them what lands lay to the southward of us. and likewise to see if there was Anchorage in a Bay which appear'd to our veiw, not that I intended to anchor or make any stay here - -