On the 13th, at noon, having had a brisk wind for three days, we discovered high land, and, toward night, approached near it. Toobaiah informed us that it was an island called Oheiteroah, being one of the cluster of nine, and bore the title of Oheite added to them.
We hauled in our wind, and, on the 14th, in the morning, bore down to the island, and hoisted out the pinnace, in which Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander went on shore to seek for an anchoring place in a large bay formed by two points of land. They returned with an account that they could find none, nor any good landing for the boat: and that, when they got near the shore, several of the natives jumped into the pinnace, and attempted to seize on Mr. Banks, which obliged our people to fire, and some of the natives were wounded. They were armed with long clubs, and spears, made of the wood of a tree which they called Etoa; and their cloaths were red and yellow, made of bark, striped and figured very regularly, and covered with gum. They had also curious caps on their heads, and made a very martial appearance. Mr. Banks brought some wooden-work on board, very ingeniously wrought, and told us that they saw canoes which were carved with great ingenuity, and painted very neat.