At Noon Lat. In per Observation 39°..37' St Portland bore by our run from it EBN Dist. 14 Leagues, the southermost land in sight ^and which is the south point of the Bay SEBS. distant 4 or 5 Leagues, and a bluff head lying in the S.W. Cod of the Bay, SBW. 2 or 3 Miles. on each side of this bluf head is a low ^narrow sandy or stone beach, between these beaches and the main land is a pretty large lake of salt water as I suppose; on the SE side of this head is a very Large Flat, which seems to extend a good way in land to the westward, on this flat are several Groves of Streight, tall trees; but there seems to be a great probability that the lake above mention'd extends it self a good way into this flat country. Inland are a chain of pretty high mountains extending N. and St on the sumets and sides of these mountains are were ma^ny patches of snow, but between them and the Sea the Land is Cloathed with Wood