15 October 1769
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On this day ...
15 October 1769

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15 October 1769

Sunday 15thP.M. Stood over for the Southermost land or South point of the Bay, having a light breeze at NE, our soundings from 12 to 8 fathom; not reaching this point before dark, we stood off an[d] on all night, having Variable Light airs next to a calm.    depth of water from 8 to 7 fathom- Variation 14°..10 Et At 8 AM being a breast of the SW Point of the Bay, some fishing boats came off to us and sold us some stinking fish, however it was such as the[y] had and we was were glad to enter into traffick with them upon any terms.    these people behaved at first very well untill a large arm'd canoe boat wherein was were 22 Men, came along side, We soon saw that this boat had nothing for traffic, yet as they came boldly along side we gave ^them two or three peices of Cloth, articles they seem'd the most fond off; one man in this boat had on him a black skin something like a bear skin which I was desireous of having that I might be a better judge what sort of an Animal the first owner was. I offer'd him for it a peice of Red Cloth which he seem'd to jump at by emmidiatly puting of the Skin and holding it up to us, but would not part with it untill he had the Cloth in his possession, and after that not atall but put of the boat and went away and with them all the rest but in a very short time they return'd again and one of the fishing boat came along side and offer'd us some more fish, the Indian Boy Tiata, Tobia Tupia's servant being over the side, they seized hold of him, pulld him into the boat and endeavourd to carry him off, this obliged us to fire upon them which gave the Boy an oppertunity to jump over board and we brought the Ship too, lower'd a boat into the Water and took him up unhurt ^ Two or Three paid for this daring attempt with the loss of their lives and many more would have suffered had it been for fear of killing the boy—. This affair occation'd my giveing this point of Land the name of Cape Kidnappers: it is remarkable on account of two white rocks in form of Hay Stacks Standing very near it: on each side of the Cape are tollerable high white steep clifts. Latd 39°..43' St, Longd. 182°..24' Wt It lies South ^W B 60° West distant 12 13 Leagues from the Isle of Portland, between them is a large Bay wherein we have been for these 3 Days past    this Bay I have name'd Hawke's Bay, in Honour of Sr Edward first Lord of the Admiralty. ^we found in it from 24 to 8 and 7 fathom every where good Anchoring

From Cape Kidnappers the Island trends SSW, and in this direction we run along shore keeping about a League off, having a steady breeze and clear weather    At Noon the above Cape bore from us No 9° Et distant 2 Leagues and the Southermost land in sight So 25° West Latitude in per Observation 39°..50' South.

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 126, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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