The same friendly disposission was observe'd by those on Shore and upon the whole they behaved as well or better than one could expect, But as the geting the Water from the shore proved so very tedious on account of the surf, preparing ^I resolved upon leaving this place in the morning ^and Accordingly at 5 AM. we weigh'd and put to Sea - This Bay is called by the Natives Tegadoo it lies in the Latitude of 38°..16' but as it hath nothing to recommend it so I shall give no discription of it. there is plenty of wild sellery and we purchased of the natives 10 or 15 pounds of sweet Potatous they have pretty large plantations of these. but at present they are scarce it being too early in the season
At Noon, the Bay of Tegadoo bore W1/2 S distant 8 Leagues and a very high doubled peek'd Mountain some distance in land bore NWBW. Latd Observ'd 38°.13' - Winds at North a fresh gale