23 October 1769
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On this day ...
23 October 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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23 October 1769

Monday 23rd PM fresh gales ^at North and Clowdy Weather    At 1 Tacked and stood in shore, at 6 sounded and had 56 fath. a fine sandy bottom, the Bay of Tegadoo bore SW1/2W distance 4 Leagues - At 8 Tacked in 36 fathom being then about two Leagues from land. Stood off and on all night having gentle breezes. At 8 AM being right before the Bay of Tegad^oo and about a League from it, some of the Natives came off to us, these and inform'd us that in a Bay a little to the southward / being the same that we could not fetch the day we put into Tegadoo / was fresh water and easey geting at it - and as the wind was now against us and we got nothing by beating to windward, I thought the time would be better spent in this Bay in geting on board a little water and forming ^some connections with the natives ^than by keeping the sea With this View we bore up for it and sent two Boats in Man'd and Arm'd to examine the watering place who returnd about noon and conform'd the accot the Natives had given. We then anchord in 11 fathom water a fine sandy bottom - the North point of the Bay NBE and the south point SE      and the watering place which was in a small Cove a little within the South pt of the bay SBE distant 1 Le Mile —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 130, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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