Endeavour Voyage Journals
About these Texts
Transcript of James Cook's Daily Journal Entries
Transcript of Cook's Descriptions of Places
Transcript of Joseph Banks's Daily Journal Entries
Transcript of Banks's Descriptions of Places
Text of Sydney Parkinson's Account of the Voyage
Text of John Hawkesworth's Narrative Account, Volume I
Text of John Hawkesworth's Narrative Account, Volumes II - III
Indigenous Prespectives
Cultural Maps
The Memoirs of Arii Taimai
James Morrison's Account of the Island of Tahiti
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Charts and Coastal Views in Volume One of Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages
Charts and Coastal Views in Volumes Two and Three of Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages
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Consult Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine
24 October 1769
James Cook's Journal: Daily Entries
Table of Contents
On this day ...
24 October 1769
Endeavour Voyage Maps
James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia
Joseph Banks's Journal
Sydney Parkinson's Journal
The authorised published account of Cook's Voyage by John Hawkesworth
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Dictionary of the Marine...
24 October 1769
Tuesday, 24
Winds Westerly and fine weather. This afternoon, as soon as the Ship was moor'd, I went ashore to examine the Watering place, accompan'd by M
Banks and D
Solander. I found the water good and the place
pretty convenient, and plenty of Wood close to high water mark and the natives to all appearence not only very friendly, but ready to traffic with us for what little they had. Early in the Morning I sent Lieutenant Gore a Shore to superintend the Cuting Wood and filling of Water with a Sufficient number of men for both purposes and all the Marines as a guard, after breakfast I went
on shore
my self and remain'd there the whole day, but before this M
Green and I took several observations of the Sun and Moon, the mean result of them gave 180°..47' West Long
from the Meridian of Greenwich
but as all the obser
made before exceeded these I have laid down this coast agree
ble to the mean of the whole -
At noon I took the Suns Meridian Alt
with the Astro
and found the Latitude to be 38°..22'..24" S
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 130, 2004
Published by
kind permission of the Library
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