4 January 1770
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On this day ...
4 January 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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4 January 1770

Thursday 4th Winds at SW and SWBS mostly a fresh gale accompanied with a rowling sea from the same quarter. Being desirous of taking as near a View of the Coast as we could with safty, we kept edgeing in for it untill 7 oClock PM, being at this time 6 Leagues from the Land, we then haul'd our wind to S.E. and kept on that course close upon the wind all night sounding several times but had no ground with 100 and 110 fathoms —

At 8 oClock AM was about 5 Leagues from the land and a place ^which lies in the Latd of 36° 25' that had the appearence of a Bay or inlet bore East. In order to see more of this place we kept on our Course untill a 11 oClock when we was were not above 3 Leagues from it and then found that it was neither a Bay nor inlet, but low land bounded on each side by higher lands which caused the deception. At this time we tack'd and stood to the N.W. At Noon was ^we were between 3 and 4 Leagues from the land and in the Latitude of 36°..31' and Longd 185°..50' West. the West part of the North Cape ^Maria Vandiemen bore N. 25° West Distant 441/2 Leags from this I form my judgment of the deriction of this Coast which is nearly SSE3/4E ^and NNW3/4W and must and appears to be nearly a strait Shore, except to the southward of the northward of the north Cape where the land takes a more Easterly and westerly direction and by that means must form a bending in the length. In about the Latitude 35°..45' is some high land adjoining to the sea.   to the Southward of that the land is of a Moderate height and wears a most desolate and inhospitable aspect, nothing is to be seen but large Sand hills with hardly any green thing up[on] them and the great sea which the prevailing westerly winds impell upon the Shore must render this a very dangerous Coast, this I am so fully sencible of that was we once clear of it I am determined not to come so near again if I can possible avoide it unless we have a very favourable wind indeed —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 170, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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