9 February 1770
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On this day ...
9 February 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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9 February 1770

Friday 9th Gentle breezes at South and S.S.E Hazey Clowdy weather. In the PM three Canoes came off to the Ship wherein were between ^30 & 40 of the Natives who had been pulling after us some time; it appear'd from the behaver of these people that they had heard of us our being upon the coast, for they came along side and some of them on board the Ship without shewing the least signs of fear: they were no sooner on board than they asked for nails but when nails was were given them they asked Tobia Tupia what they were which was plain that they had never seen any before   yet they not only knowed how to ask for them but knowed what use to apply them to and therefore must have heard of nails which they call Whow      the name of a tool among them made generally of bone which they use as a chissel in makeing holes ^&Ca   These people asking so readily for nails proves that their ^connections must extend as far North as Cape Kidnappers which is 45 Leagues, for that was the southerm:st place on this side of the coast we had a any traffick with the natives, and it is most probable that the Inhabitants of Queen Charlottes Sound got the little knowlidge they seem'd to have of Iron by the connections they may have with the Terawhetteans bordering upon them for we have no reason ^to think that the inhabitants of any part of this land had the least knowlidge of Iron before we came amongst them —

After a short stay these people were dismiss'd with proper presents and we continued our Course ^along shore to the NE untill 11 oClock AM when the weather clearing up we saw Cape Turn-again bearing NBE 1/4E distant 7 Leagues, I then called the officers upon deck, and asked them if they were now satisfied that this land was an Island to which they answer'd in the affirmative and we hauled our wind to the Eastward. At Noon our Latitude by observation was 40°..55' So which is 21 Miles to the Southward of Cape Turn-again it bearing NBE and Cape Pallisser by this days run bears S 43°.W. 19 or 20 Leagues

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 188, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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