28 May 1770
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On this day ...
28 May 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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28 May 1770

Monday 28th Winds at SSE afresh breezes   At 3 oClock in the PM we pass'd Cape Manifold from which the Land trends NNW, the land of this Cape is tolerable high and riseth in hills directly from the Sea. it may be known by three Islands laying off it, one near the shore and the other two 8 Miles out at sea the one of these is low and flat and the other high and round - At 6 oClock we shortend sail and brought too, the northermost part of the Main we had in sight bore NW and some Islands laying off it bore N. 31° west - our soundings sence noon were from 20 to 25 fathoms and in the night 30 and 34 fathom - At day light in the Morning we made sail Cape Manifold bearing SBE distant 8 Leagues and the Islands set last night in the same direction distant from us 4 Miles, and the farthest point of the Main bore N 67° Wt distant 22 Miles    but we could see several Islands to the northward of this direction. At 9 oClock we were abreast of the above point which I named Cape Townshend / Latitude 22°..13', Longde 209°..48' West / the land of this Cape is of a moderate and pretty even height and is more barren than woody. Several Islands lay to the northward of it 4 or 5 Leagues out at Sea - 3 or 4 Leagues to the SE the shore forms a bay in the bottom of which there appear'd to be an inlet or harbour. To the westward of the Cape the land trends SW1/2S and there forms a very large bay which turns away to the Eastward and probably comun[i]cates with the inlet to the SE of the Cape above mentioned and by that means makes the land of the Cape an Island. As soon as we got round this Cape we hauld our wind to the westward in order to get within the Islands which lay scaterd upon and down in this bay in great number and extend out to sea as far as we could see from the Mast-head how much farther will hardly be in my power to determine    they are as various both in their height and circuit as they are numerous .— We had not stood long upon awind before we met with shoal water and was obliged to tack at once to avoide it, after which I sent aboat ahead and we bore away WBN leaving many small Islands, Rocks & Shoals between us and the Main and a number of larger Islands without us   aSoundings from 14 to 17 fathom sandy bottom   A little before noon the boat made the Signal for meeting with Shoal water   upon this we hauld close upon a wind to the Eastward but suddenly fell into 31/4 fathom water - upon which we immidiatly let go an Anchor and brought the Ship up with all sails standing and had then 4 fathom course sandy bottom    we found here a Strong tide seting to the NWBW1/2W at the rate of between 2 and 3 Miles an hour which was what carried us so quickly upon the Shoal - Our Latitude by observation was 22°..8' So Cape Townshend bore East 16° South distant 13 Miles and the westermost part of the Main land in sight W3/4N

having a number of Islands in sight all round us —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 244, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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