At 5 oClock in the AM I sent away the Master with two boats to sound the entrance of an inlet which bore from us west distant about one League into which I intended to go with the Ship to wait a few days untill the Moon increased and in the meantime to examine the Country by such time as we had got the Ship under Sail the boats made the signal for Anchorge upon which we stood in with the Ship and Anchord in 5 fathom water about a League within the entrance of the inlet which we judged to be a River runing a good way in land. As I observed the tides to flow and Ebb something considerable I had some thoughts of laying the Ship a shore to clean her bottom. with this View both the Master and I went to look for a convinient place for that purpose and at the same time to look for fresh water not one drop of which we could find but met with several places where a Ship might be laid a shore with safety