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Rio de Janeiro


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Description of Rio De Janeiro

A De[s]cription of the Bay or River of Rio de Janeira

The few days delay we met with in geting out of of Rio de Janeira gave me an opportunity to draw a Plan of Plot or Sketch of great part of the Bay, but the Strict Watch that was kept over us dureing our whole stay [strike needed to be checked] ^ hinderd me from takeing so accurate a Survey as I could wished ^ to have done and as all the observations I could make was taken from on board the Ship, for this reason the Plan hath no pretentions to accuracy, yet it will give a very good Idea of the place, difering not much from the truth in what is essential.

The Bay of Rio de Janeira ^ is by some called a River which ^ its name signifies, but this I think is improper it being nothing more than a deep inlet of the Sea, into which no considerable fresh water River empties it self that I could hear of: be this as it will, it is Capacious and Capable of containing a Vast number of Shipping where they may ride in perfect Security.

The entrance is Situated WBN 18 Leagues from Cape Frio and may be known by a remarkable Hill in the form of a Sugr Loafe at the West entrance of the Bay; but as all the Coast is exceeding high terminating at top in peek'd Hills, it is much better known by the Islands laying before it, one of which / calld Rodonda / is high and round in form of a Hay Stack and liesSBW 2½ Leagues from the Sugr Loaf or entrance of the Bay. A little without the East entrance of the Bay and near the Shoar lay two Islands near each other. 3 Leagues to the Eastward of these Islands and 4 Miles from the shoar are 2 low rocky Islands and which are the first you meet with in coming from the Eastward or from Cape Frio.

To Sail into Rio de Janeira there is not the least danger untill you are the Length of the Fort of Santa Cruz which stands on the point which forms the East entrance of the Bay or River. At the West entrance is Fort Lozio built upon a Rock which lies close to the Main land, the distance from one Fort to the other is ¾ of a Mile East and West, but the Channell for Shipping is not quite so broad by reason of suncken rocks laying off each of the Forts. These rocks may not be properly place'd in the Plan being only laid down from the information of the Pilots. The narrowness of the Channell here causeth the tides both Flood and Ebb to run pretty strong in so much that you can not stem it without a fresh breeze of wind, now there ^ nor is it safe anchoring by reason because the bottom is foul and rocky. By keeping in the Middle of the Channel you will not only a Voide being force'd to come to an Anchor but all other dangers.

Being got within the Entrance your course up the Bay is first NBW½W

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 21, 2004
Published by South Seas
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