Endeavour Voyage Journals
About these Texts
Transcript of James Cook's Daily Journal Entries
Transcript of Cook's Descriptions of Places
Transcript of Joseph Banks's Daily Journal Entries
Transcript of Banks's Descriptions of Places
Text of Sydney Parkinson's Account of the Voyage
Text of John Hawkesworth's Narrative Account, Volume I
Text of John Hawkesworth's Narrative Account, Volumes II - III
Indigenous Prespectives
Cultural Maps
The Memoirs of Arii Taimai
James Morrison's Account of the Island of Tahiti
Maps and Charts
Index to Interactive Maps of Cook's Voyage
Charts and Coastal Views in Volume One of Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages
Charts and Coastal Views in Volumes Two and Three of Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages
Reference Works
Browse the South Seas Companion
Consult Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine
Page 5
Cook's Description of Places
Table of Contents
Coast of Terra del Fuego
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Description of Parts of the Coast of Terra del Fuego
We fell in with this Coast 21 Leagues to the Westward of Strait Le Maire and rainged the Coast from thence
to the Strait Within two or three Leagues of the Land, and had soundings all the way from 40 to 20 fathom a gravelly and sandy bottom; the land near the Shore is in general low, but hilly, the face of the Country appear'd green and Woody, but in land are
Mountains. they appeared to be of no very great height,
were they cover'd with Snow. The most remarkable land on Terra del Fuego is a high mountain in form of a Sugar Loaf, situated not far from the Sea on the
side of the land, and three hills call'd the three Brothers, they lay near the shore and [9] Miles to the Westward of Cape S
which is a low point that forms
entrance of Strait
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 31, 2004
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South Seas
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