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King Georges Island


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King Georges Island (continued)

the Island which bears due south from Point Venus which is the eastern point of the bay. To sail into it either keep the West point of the reef which lies before point Venus close on board, or give it a birth of near half a mile in order to avoide a small shoal of Coral Rocks whereon is but 2½ fathom water   the best anchoring is on the eastern side of the Bay in 16 or 14 fathom of water an owsey bottom; the shore of the bay is all a fine sandy beach behind which runs a river of fresh water so that any number of Ships might water here without discommodeing one another   the only wood for fual upon the whole Island is are fruit trees and these must be purchased of the natives if you mean to keep on good terms with them —

There are some harbours to the westward of this bay that have not been mentioned but as they lay contiguous to it and are to be found in the plan a description of them is unnecessary —

The land of this Island except what is emmediatly bordering upon the Sea Coast is of a very uneven surface and riseth in ridges which run up into the middle of the Island, and there form mountains that are of a height sufficient to be seen at the distance of 20 leagues. Between the foot of the ridges and the sea is a border of low land surrounding the whole Island, except in a few places where the ridges rise directly from the Sea, this low land is of various breadths but no where exceeds a mile and a half, the soil is rich and fertile being for the most part well stocked with fruit trees and small plantations and well water'd by a number of small rivulets of excellent water which come from the

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 79, 2004
Published by South Seas
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