The produce of this Island is Bread fruit cocoa-nuts, Bonanoes, Plantains, a fruit like an apple, sweet Potatoes, yams, a fruit known by the name of Eag melloa and reckend most delicious, Sugar cane which the inhabitants eat raw, a root of the Salop kind call'd by the inhabitants Pea, the root also of a plant call'd Ethee and a fruit in a pod like a Kidney bean which when roasted eats like a chestnut and is call'd Ahee, the fruit of a tree which they call Wharra something like a Pine Apple, the fruit of a tree call'd by them Nano, the roots of a Fern and the roots of a Plant call'd Theve all these articles the Earth almost spontaniously produces or at least they are rais'd with very little labour, in the article of food these people may almost be said to be exempt from the curse of our fore fathers scarcely can it be said that they earn their bread with the sweat of their brow, benevolent nature hath not only supply'd them with necessarys but with abundance of superfluities. the sea coast supplies them with vast variety of fish most excellent fish but these they get not without some trouble