Endeavour Voyage Journals
About these Texts
Transcript of James Cook's Daily Journal Entries
Transcript of Cook's Descriptions of Places
Transcript of Joseph Banks's Daily Journal Entries
Transcript of Banks's Descriptions of Places
Text of Sydney Parkinson's Account of the Voyage
Text of John Hawkesworth's Narrative Account, Volume I
Text of John Hawkesworth's Narrative Account, Volumes II - III
Indigenous Prespectives
Cultural Maps
The Memoirs of Arii Taimai
James Morrison's Account of the Island of Tahiti
Maps and Charts
Index to Interactive Maps of Cook's Voyage
Charts and Coastal Views in Volume One of Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages
Charts and Coastal Views in Volumes Two and Three of Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages
Reference Works
Browse the South Seas Companion
Consult Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine
Page 39
Cook's Description of Places
Table of Contents
Ulietea, Otaha and Bolabola
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Description of the Islands Ulietea, Otaha and Bolabola
So call'd by the Natives and it was not thought adviseable to give them any other names but these three together with Huaheine, Tubai, and Maurua as they lay contiguous to one a nother I have named Society Isles. They are situated between the Latitude of 16°.10' and 16°.55' South and between the Longitude 15
° 0' and 151°..42' West from the Meridian of Greenwich. Ulietea and Otaha lay close to each other and are both inclosed within a reef of Coral rocks, and altho the
between the one and the other
is near 2 Miles
yet there is no passage
for Shipping, By means of this reef are form'd several excellent Harbours, the entrances into them are but narrow but when a ship is once in nothing can hurt her; those on the East side have been already discribed. On the West side of Ulietea
which is the largest Island of the two
are three, the northermost of which / call'd Ora
tanue we lay in, the Channoll leading in
is a ¼ of a Mile wide and
lies between 2 low sandy Islands,
are the northermost small Islands on this side You have good anchorage between or just within the 2 Islands in 28 fathom, soft ground, this harbour tho' but small yet it is prefferable to any on the Island on account of the easy geting of fresh water and being
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 102, 2004
Published by
South Seas
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