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Description of Savu

Before we proceed any farther it will be proper in this place to say [some] thing of

the Island we have been last at, ^whi^ch ^is call'd by the Natives Savu it the Middle of it lies in ^about the Latde of 10°..35' St Longde 237°.30'Wt &C it ^may be about 8 Leagues in length from East to West, but of what breadth I know not because I only saw the north side. There are as I am told three bays where Ships can Anchor, the best is on the South West side of the SE point, the one we lay in call'd Seba — lies on the NW side of the Island   this bay is very well shelter'd from the SE Trade wind but lays wholy open to the NW - The Land of this Island which bounds the Sea is in general low, but in the Middle of the Island are Hills of a Moderate height and the whole is agreeably deversified with woods and Lawns which affords a most pleasing prospect from the sea. We were told that the Island is but indifferently water'd in the dry season, especially towards the latter end of it, at which time there is no runing stream upon the whole Island, only small springs which are all at a distance

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 318, 2004
Published by South Seas
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