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Batavia (continued)

well furnished with Instruments as most in Europe. Most of the Streets in the City have canals of Water runing th[r]ough them which unite into one Stream about half a Mile before they employ^ discharge them selves into the [Sea], this is about 100 feet broad and is built far enough out into the Sea to have at its entrance a sufficient depth of water to admit small craft, Luggage boats &ca: The communication between the Sea and the City, is by this canal alone, and this only in the day for it is shut up every night by a boom, through which no boats can pass from about 6 o Clock in the evening to between 5 and 6 the next Morning. Here stands the custom house where all goods either impord or exported pay the customary Duties, at least an account is here taken of them and nothing can pass without a permit weather it pays duty or no —

All kinds of Refreshments, Naval Stores and Sea Provisions are to be had here but there are few Arti[c]les but what bears a very high price, especially if you are obliged totake them of the Company which you are Obliged to do if you want any quantity, for none but themthat is of such Articles as they monopily to themselves

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 337, 2004
Published by South Seas
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