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Description of Batavia

Batavia is a place that hath been so often Viseted by Europeans and so many Accounts of it extant, that any description I could give would seem unnecessary: besides I have neither abillities nor Materials ^Sufficient for such an undertakeing for whoever gives a faithfull account of this place must in many things contridect all the Authors I have had an oppertunity to consult, but this task I shall leave to some abler hand and only take notice of such things as seems to me necessary for seamen to know. The City of Batavia is situated on a low flat near the Sea in the bottom of a large Bay of the same name, which lies on the North side of Java about 8 Leagues from the Straights of Sunday - it lies in 6°..10’ South Latitude and 106°..50’ East Longitude from the Meridian of Greenwich, settled by Astronomical observations made on the spot by the Reverend MrMohr, who has built a very Elegant Observatory which is as well

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© Transcribed from National Library of Australia Manuscript 1 page 337, 2004
Published by South Seas
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