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Parkinson's Journal
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On this day ...
24 July 1769
Endeavour Voyage Maps
James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia
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Description of the country and natives of Yoole-Etea, with the neighbouring islands
On the 24th, in the afternoon, we went out at the west end of the bay, which the natives call Opou, but found our passage very difficult on account of the shoals, one of which we narrowly escaped: the man, who sounded, crying out Two fathom, we wore ship directly, or we should have been on a bank. At length, however, we cleared the shoals; but not being able to get out in time, anchored over-against a deep bay, and some of our men went on shore to look for hogs.
Plate XI. An Heiva, or kind of Priest of Yoolee-Etea, & the Neighbouring Islands.
Voyaging Accounts
© Derived from the London 1773 edition printed for Stanfield Parkinson, page 71, 2004
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