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Parkinson's Journal
Table of Contents
On this day ...
9 October 1769
Endeavour Voyage Maps
James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia
Transcript of Cook's Journal
Joseph Banks's Journal
The authorised published account of Cook's Voyage by John Hawkesworth
Views of the headlands
Contact us
Views of the head-lands and delineations of the coast, country, and inhabitants, of New Zealand
On the 9th, early in the morning, the wind being favourable, we stood in nearer land, where it seemed to open and form a deep bay; [see pl. XIV.] but, on approach-ing it, we discovered low land, and it was much shallower than we expected. Upon entering we had regular soundings all the way, from twenty-six to six fathoms, and cast anchor on the east side in ten fathoms water, about two or three miles from the shore, over-against the land on the right, where there was the appearance of a river. At the entrance of the bay, which is a very large one, being about three leagues in breadth, and two in depth, are several chalky cliffs, from which runs a low ridge of land that ends in a hillock: at a little distance from the hillock, there is a small high island, and, on the top of it, an inclosure of pales. Abundance of white cliffs are seen all along the coast; and the hills appear to be covered with small wood and bushes, affording but an indifferent landscape. We discovered several houses by our glasses. They seemed to be thatched, and the eaves of them reached to the ground. Within the bay there are many hills one behind another; though most part of the bay is surrounded by a valley in which is a number of trees; from whence, as well as other parts of the country, we saw some smoke arise. We also discovered many of the natives (who seemed to be of a very dark hue) and several of their canoes hauled upon the beach. The natives, on approaching nearer to them, took but little notice of us. Having cast anchor, the pinnace, long-boat, and yaul, were sent on shore with the marines. As soon as the people who were in the pinnace had passed a little way up into the country, while the long-boat went up the river to see for water, some of the natives, who had hid them-selves amongst the bushes, made their appearance, having long wooden lances in their hands, which they held up in a threatening posture, as if they intended to throw them at the boys in the yaul. The cockswain, who stayed in the pinnace, perceiving, them, fired a musquetoon over their heads, but that did not seem to intimidate them: he therefore fired a musket, and shot one of them through the heart; upon which they were much alarmed, and retreated precipitately.
Voyaging Accounts
© Derived from the London 1773 edition printed for Stanfield Parkinson, page 86, 2004
Published by
kind permission of the Library
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