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On this day ...
26 - 31 March 1770

Endeavour Voyage Maps

James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

Transcript of Cook's Journal

Joseph Banks's Journal

The authorised published account of Cook's Voyage by John Hawkesworth

Coast of New Zealand


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Map of the coast of New Zealand

On the 26th, in the evening, we anchored in the Bay, which we found was about ten leagues N.W. of Charlotte's Sound, or Cannibal Bay, after having endured the dangers of foul winds, and the tedious suspense of many calms*. The inhabitants of Cannibal Bay, where we were on the 6th of February, told us, that we might sail round the south land in four days, but we had been near seven weeks in making the tour. There is no low land hereabout, the hills rising from the water's edge. Since we came from Charlotte's Sound, we saw no signs of inhabitants, except one smoke, which, perhaps, arose from some other than the hand of man, for it would seem that this land was almost entirely uninhabited, except Charlotte's Sound; and it has all the appearance of a cluster of islands, through which there are various straits, though we had no time to discover them. This second part of the land is about the size of the other, and the whole together is as large as Great-Britain.

In this bay we saw some deserted houses, but no inhabitants; and the land about it is more wild and not so flat as Charlotte's Sound; but the bay abounded as plentifully with fish, and we caught a great quantity with hooks and lines, which were distributed amongst the ship's company. We had now passed near six month, on the coast of New Zealand; had surveyed it on every side, and discovered it to be an island near three hundred leagues in length; inhabited by Cannibals, accustomed to the carnage of war from their infancy, and peculiarly undaunted, as well as in-sensible of danger.

The captain having fulfilled his orders, it was at his option to stay as much longer in these seas as the safety of the ship and provisions would admit; and to return home either by the East-Indies or Cape Horn. Considering that Cape Horn was at a great distance from this bay; that the season of the year was at hand which is the most unfavourable for going into so high a latitude; and that at the present time, and for five months past, the monsoons prevailed in the Chinese seas; it was thought best to proceed west to the coast of New Holland, and so to the northward along it, in order to find a convenient refreshing place; then to search for the supposed Straits between New Holland and New Guinea, (which, it is thought, admiral Torrey went through;) and along the north coast of New Holland, to the island of Java; but, if these could not be found, it was proposed to proceed along the coast to Dampier's Straits, which lie between New Guinea and New Britain; then to cross the line, and sail down among the spice islands to Java, as we were in want of many kinds of provisions, particularly sugar, salt, oil, tea, and tobacco: our spirits also very low: and, as to bread, we had not had any for upwards of six months, and our sails were nearly worn out.

* The Map annexed, in which the ship's track is accurately marked, will give the reader an idea of the fatigue and danger which attended our traverse. [See pl. XXV.]

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© Derived from the London 1773 edition printed for Stanfield Parkinson, pages 124 - 125, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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