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Vocabulary of the language of New-Holland

A VOCABULARY of the Language of the People of NEW HOLLAND.
Bamma, A man.
Mootjel, A woman,
Dunjo, A father.
Tumurre, or jumurre, A son.
Baityebai, Bones.
Tulkoore, Hair.
Garmbe, Blood.
Wageegee, The head.
Eiyamoac, The crown of the head.
Morye, or moree, The hair of the head.
Walloo, The temples.
Peete, The forehead.
Meul, The eyes.
Garbar, The eye-brows.
Poetya, The eye-lids.
Melea, The ears.
Bonjoo, The nose.
Yembe, The lips.
Mulere, or mole. The teeth.
Unjar. The tongue.
Jacal, or tacal. The chin.
Waller, jeamball, or teamball, The beard.
Doomboo, The neck.

Morcol, The throat.
Coyer, The breast.
Coyoor, The nipples.
Melmal, The pit of the stomach.
Gippa, The belly.
Toolpoor, The navel.
Mocoo, The back.
Eeimbar, The sides or ribs.
Aco, or acol, The arms.
Camor, or gamorga, The arm-pits.
Mangal, The hands.
Eboorbalga, The thumb.
Egalbaiga, The three fingers next the thumb.
Nakil, or eboornakil, The little finger.
Coenjoo, The hips.
Booca, The anus.
Coman, The thighs.
Atta, The ham.
Pongo, The knees.
Peegoorga, The legs.
Chongarn, The ancle.
Edamal, The feet.
Kniororor, The heel.
Chumal, The sole of the foot.
Jambooingar, or tambooingar, The toes.
Kolke, The nails.
Pandal, A sore.
Moro, The scars on their bodies.
Tennapuke, or jennapuke. The hole in their nostrils made for the bone ornament.
Cotta, A dog.
Kangooroo, The leaping quadruped.
Taquol, or jaquol, An animal of the viverra kind.

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© Derived from the London 1773 edition printed for Stanfield Parkinson, pages 148 - 149, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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