On the 12th, we received an account from the natives respecting two ships that had been on their coast; and we gathered from them that the crew were Spaniards, and that they had introduced the lues venerea amongst them ‡
On the 15th, the oven-rake was stolen, which, joined to the other things that had been pilfered from us by some of the natives, and the insolent treatment Mr. Monkhouse met with, determined the captain to seek redress; he seized twenty-seven double canoes, with sails, which happened to be at the point, in the morning, some of which came from another island; and he threatened to burn them if the stolen things should not be returned. Before noon they brought back the rake, but we had no account of the rest; and the canoes were still kept in custody. Tootahau was much displeased, and would not suffer any of the natives to supply us with bread-fruit, cocoa-nuts, or apples. At this time the weather was very wet; P. Briscoe, one of Mr. Banks’s servants, was very bad of a nervous fever, and we had but little hopes of his recovery, having been, by a long course of sickness, reduced to very great weakness; and, in this hot climate, it is a long time before an European recovers his strength, as I have known by experience.
On the 19th, in the evening, after dark, Oboreah, the queen, and several of her attendants, came from Opare, Tootahau’s palace, in a double canoe, laden with plantains, bread-fruit, and a hog; but brought none of the stolen things with them, pleading, that Obade, her gallant, had stolen them, and was gone off with them. Mr. Banks received her very coolly; nor would suffer them to lie in the markee, he being already engaged; and the captain refused their presents, at which the queen appeared very sorrowful. Mr. Banks and the rest, went to-bed; and the whole tribe of the natives would have lain in the bell-tent, but I would not suffer them, and sent them away. The next morning they returned to the tent, and captain Cook altered his resolution, and bought some of their fruit. The queen behaved very haughtily, yet Mr. Banks agreed they should lie in his markee in the day-time. Two of her attendants were very assiduous in getting themselves husbands, in which attempt they, at length, succeeded. The surgeon took one, and one of the lieutenants the other: they seemed agreeable enough till bed-time, and then they determined to lie in Mr. Banks’s tent, which they did accordingly: but one of the engaged coming out, the surgeon insisted that she should not sleep there, and thrust her out, and the rest followed her, except Otea Tea, who whined and cried for a considerable time, till Mr. Banks led her out also. Mr. Monkhouse and Mr. Banks came to an eclaircissement some time after; had very high words, and I expected they would have decided it by a duel, which, however, they prudently avoided. Oboreah, and her retinue, had gone to their canoe, and would not return; but Mr. Banks went and staid with them all night.
‡ These ships, we afterwards learned at Batavia, were fitted out by the French, and commanded by M. Bougainville.